Components of an ergonomic office

The word “ergonomic” refers to office equipment that is comfortable and safe. Sitting for long periods of time at a desk can be harmful to your health. Statistics show that extended time sitting at a work desk can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle fatigue, neck and back pain, and a big range of other musculoskeletal disorders. Fortunately, in recent years there has been growing awareness to rethink how our offices are set up, with a focus on designing ergonomic office furniture that works in harmony with our physical needs. There are many solutions, such as contoured keyboards specially designed to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Then of course there are office chairs, designed for increased lumbar support, which prevents muscle strain and back pain. Best benefits of ergonomic furniture Aside from the obvious health benefits, ergonomic furniture increases productivity in the workplace. Simply, the more comfortable the employee is, the better their output. On the other han...