Get a gaming chair to supercharge your productivity

Last year when I set up my home office, I walked into the best furniture store in town with a fistful of cash. I wanted the absolutely best chair available, money was no object. Unfortunately all the chairs were pretty much the same: cheap rollers on a flimsy steel frame with cheap plastic armrests and low-grade seat material. The Internet has transformed so many industries, but office furniture is not one of them. As people spend more and more time sitting in the digital age, DXracer was the first company to step up (in 2006) with a radically new interpretation of the office chair. The first DXracer chairs were aimed at gamers, but modern variants cater just as well to office workers, designers, and other people who spend most of their working day sitting. After buying a DXracer Formula Series and seeing the amazing benefits first-hand, I am amazed that office cultures around the world haven't picked up on this yet. How you sit has a profound effect on your postur...